A unique bar as well as a unique name!  This bar has teakwood and peppermint oil and smells like your favorite grandpa!  What does teakwood smell like you ask!...Intense aromas of amber and wood are complimented with bergamot, cardamom, jasmine, and lily of the valley to create a pungent, backwoods blend...plus the awakening scent of peppermint!  Not only does this smell amazing, look at the benefits of teakwood oil...relieving body aches, lowing cholesterol, detoxifying the body, and enhancing circulation.  A must have!!


  Ingredients:  saponified 100%  organic food grade olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil nd meadowfoam seed oil, kaolin clay, teakwood and peppermint  oils and love!

Grumpy Old Man Bar

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